Use ChatGPT to Uncover Blind Spots

Since ChatGPT is a giant guessing machine, I feel like it should be excellent at shining a light on blind spots. But, as their nature, we don’t know what’s in the blind spot to ask for it. I asked ChatGPT, “If there are spheres of knowledge – what I know, what I know I don’t know, and what I don’t know I don’t know – how I can I use ChatGPT to get to that 3rd sphere, in any area?” This was the reply, edited by me, to be more broadly applicable.

That’s a fantastic question, and tapping into that third sphere—the “unknown unknowns”—is where things get really interesting! Here are a few strategies that might help uncover those hidden gaps:

Guided Exploration and Open-Ended Questions

Start by choosing an area of interest, then ask ChatGPT to explore it through open-ended prompts. For instance, if it’s investing, you might ask, “What are some emerging or overlooked areas in [topic]?” or “What assumptions are often made in [topic] that could be challenged?”

Another approach is asking, “What would someone new to [topic] be surprised to learn?” This can reveal insights that aren’t often emphasized or are taken for granted by experts.

Unconventional Connections and Cross-Disciplinary Thinking

ChatGPT can draw on a vast range of topics, so try prompts that connect seemingly unrelated fields. For example, “What can be learned from psychology that might improve my approach to family budgeting?” or “How might principles of biology apply to interior decorating?”

By crossing domains, you might uncover methods, theories, or practices that aren’t usually discussed in one field but could be transformative if applied there.

Challenge the Fundamentals

Ask ChatGPT to question the basics of a field or process. For example, “What are the assumptions in [topic] that no one really questions?” or “What aspects of [topic] have remained the same despite industry changes?”

This helps highlight ideas or principles that are rarely reconsidered, which may reveal entirely new areas for growth or innovation.

Scenario-Based Prompts

Using hypothetical scenarios can help uncover blind spots. For instance, “If a new search engine entered the market with radically different algorithms, what would SEO experts need to rethink?” or “If all social media platforms switched to text-only formats, how would marketing adapt?”

These kinds of questions can reveal areas that might be overlooked because they fall outside the current reality.

Inverted Questions and Thought Experiments

You can approach unknowns by inverting your usual questions. For example, instead of asking “How can I improve my investment strategy?” ask, “What mistakes do people make in investing that they’re not even aware of?”

Thought experiments like “If all current food supply chains stopped working tomorrow, what alternative approaches could fill the gap?” push the boundaries of conventional thinking.

Encourage Bias Identification

Every field has biases and blind spots. Ask ChatGPT, “What biases might exist in the way I approach [topic]?” or “What perspectives are often missing in discussions about [area]?”

This can help reveal areas that are ignored due to prevailing biases or assumptions in the industry.

Knowledge Decay and Overlooked Trends

Knowledge evolves, and sometimes older wisdom becomes overlooked. Try prompts like, “What old or outdated advice still has value but is often ignored?” or “What emerging trends do people tend to dismiss prematurely?”

This can help identify areas where conventional wisdom or outdated knowledge could still be useful or where emerging ideas have potential but lack mainstream attention.

Socratic Dialogue with a Twist

Use ChatGPT to simulate a Socratic dialogue with a twist—ask it to play the role of a curious outsider challenging the norms of your field. For example, “Pretend you’re a curious child asking why [topic] works the way it does—what questions would you ask?”

This can expose the “whys” that aren’t usually explored and highlight underlying assumptions that lead to unknowns.

Explore Hidden Costs and Trade-Offs

Ask ChatGPT to examine the trade-offs or hidden costs of common practices, like, “What are the hidden downsides of [XYZ]?” or “What might be sacrificed when [ABC]?”

By considering what isn’t typically emphasized, you might discover areas where common practices are missing an element or where new approaches could offer balance.

Use Prompt Chains to Dig Deeper

Start with a broad question, then follow up on ChatGPT’s responses to explore related, less obvious paths. Begin with something like “What are some unexpected factors that affect [topic]?” and based on the answer, ask for deeper layers.

This iterative approach can lead to tangents that reveal unknown aspects, eventually surfacing less-discussed areas.

These methods can be applied across various interests—whether it’s professional development, creative hobbies, or even self-discovery. The key is asking ChatGPT to approach topics in ways that stretch the usual boundaries, often by challenging assumptions, integrating cross-domain ideas, or exploring “what if” scenarios.

Caryn Solly
Caryn Solly
Articles: 50